Happy holidays readers! I've been off on an amazing holiday adventure since I last posted here. I've been at Point Lonsdale with my extended human and canine family, having a great time. I've had more friends to play with, cuddle up to, go on walks with and bludge food from than ever before and I LOVED IT! It may have been a little tiring - Jude says I slept for 2 days straight after we got home - I prefer to say that I was finding my 2016 mellow!
Here are a few highlights of my most recent adventures:
Here I'm climbing down the stairs to the beach. I know, I know - dogs are NOT allowed to go on the beach at Christmas - unless they are there before 8:00AM! Luckily for me Jude hadn't worked out how to sleep in while we were at the beach so she took me for early morning walks every day. I enjoyed walking on the beach, especially as the waves weren't too big or violent. I don't want my fur messed up after all!

At the beach the humans sleep on a blow up bed. What I discovered was that, unlike at home where I can't jump onto the human's bed (too high)
I could clamber onto Jude's bed easily! Here I am warming up the sheets and pillows for Jude. I also hopped onto the bed in the mornings to give her a good morning kiss most days too - I think she really loved those interactions!

In the third photo
I'm sharing the couch with Nick. I didn't mind his sharing - but I got the impression that Nick didn't really like my wet whiskers (happens sometimes after a big drink despite my best intentions) or my sandy paws. Oh well - we got along quite well together regardless.

The best thing about the holiday was that
I got LOTS and LOTS of Christmas presents. I am a very fortunate dog! In this fourth photo you can see my collection. There's the large (very loud and oinky) pig, the ocelot (thanks Parul), a duck and a long legged tiger. All my new toys made noise. I'm not sure quite what happened (perhaps post-Christmas stress syndrome?) but one night the humans gathered all my toys and used them as musical instruments to play Christmas carols. Now that was something to hear - it was almost as loud as Hamish barking at people walking by.
I had a very wonderful holiday - thanks humans (especially Gran and Pa) for letting me be part of the family gathering.
My last bit of good news is that
Aleina drew my picture recently. I think you'll see from the photo below that she is a talented artist as she drew the image from memory. I think she must have been imaging me just before I got my hair brushed!

Hope you have a happy and healthy new year!
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