We went for a picnic at Williamstown Gardens yesterday to celebrate Stephen's birthday, and to say a belated happy Father's Day to Lloyd. All the family came along, even Hamish (my best canine friend). It was a beautiful day, and the humans all sat around in the sun and ate delicious looking sandwiches, and birthday cake. I say it looked delicious because I don't really know - no one was sharing with me except Cate, who gave me what she called the crusts of her sandwich (but was actually about half of it) - yum!!

Cate was in the State School Spectacular last weekend (that's why I couldn't upload a post to this blog last weekend - Jude was too busy going to see Cate - humph!). Anyway, Cate's Mum bought her one of the costumes frm the show - a monster outfit, consisting of a headpiece, arms and hands. Cate brought it alomg to the picnic to show the family - and we were all interested in it. Nick wanted to take it away from Cate to tease her and so that she'd chase him. Gran wanted to try it on and see how it felt. I wanted to chew it - after all, one can't be too careful with monsters.
After a while Cate let people try it on - what do you think? Looks pretty crazy doesn't it.
Hamish was a bit shy with me. I can't understand why - I am pretty sure he thought of me as a beloved cousin and totally loved spending time with me last time we were together - see my posts from February. He was happy enough to share my water bowl, but he didn't want to play rompy-bompy with me. Hmmm - I'll give this some thought.
We all had a wonderful time - though there really could have been more food for me and Hamish! The only bad part was having to travel in Jude's car - which as you'd know, I don't like the feel of. I stood up for about half of the journey to the park (about 30 minutes) but I was so tired and relaxed that I lay down almost all the way home. So who's a clever boy now?
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