Where to begin? In July I went and stayed at Linda's place (Pawfect Manners) and worked on improving my manners. Apparently the world doesn't revolve around me - who knew! Well that went well: I had a great time playing with the other dogs at Linda's place and even lost a few kilos from all the extra exercise. I also learned to keep a low profile when Linda's very tall German Shepherds looked my way, and clarified my understandings of the human's commands. Craig and Jude were VERY impressed with my behaviour when I got home.
Winter has been very cold so I've been growing my fur coat. I'm told that I am looking very handsome.
Last weekend was Gran's 80th birthday celebration. Everyone in the family went to Ballarat to celebrate, including me. We drove there in Jude's new car - the sporty suspension made me feel sick. Craig says next time I go in that car Jude should change the suspension setting to 'Comfort' - I was pleased to see her checking how to do that in the manual this afternoon. She says it's easy. I hope it works because I had to stand up on the back seat and pant noisily all the way to Ballarat and home - and that wore me out, taking the edge off my showing off once we arrived.
The humans went out for lunch leaving Hamish and me at Gran's place. I think they had fun ... they took a lot of photos anyway ....
In case you are wondering, Nick had a scooter crash during the week which is how he hurt himself.
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