Anyway, she eventually got going. While we were walking along Valley Boulevard we encountered a huge flock of Corellas and Sulphur Crested Cockatoos feasting in the grass. We don't usually see this large a flock - maybe they are getting ready to migrate north for winter or something? There were so many of them that I decide not to try and chase them away - Jude has told me about that Alfred Hitchcock movie "The Birds", so I was respectful.
In other news, it's been a tough week for me this week. I crossed the acceptable behaviour line last week (not sure if that was the uncontrollable barking and crazed behaviour when the handy man rang the doorbell or my latest self-taught trick of jumping up with both front feet and trying to push them over when people walk down the passage?) Anyway Craig has been taking me back through the basics. It turns out that I'm not the boss of the family (really?) and I'm responsible for listening to commands and obeying. I must be doing OK - Jude said that she thought my manners were a little better when we went for our walk.
Now I must go - I need an afternoon nap since no-one is willing to take me for another walk just now.
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