Was out walking this morning ... we were going very slowly because my human was dragging the chain - something about not feeling well ... Honestly, just because she's got a cold shouldn't be an excuse for walking slowly! Anyway, because I was going soooo slowly I had time to check out every tree, and I noticed that it really is autumn here in Hidden Valley. All the leaves are changing colour and falling off the tress - amazing.
Jude was saying stuff like:
"Blah blah blah look at the beautiful trees blah blah blah." I must admit she is right.
I love the cold weather - it makes me feel very energetic, and sprightly. And I luuurve getting my whiskers and legs and tummy all wet and messy too - it makes me feel like a real dog. I pretend that I hate it when I get home and the humans rub me with a towel to dry me off, but secretly I love that too.
Some famous human (Albert Camus) wrote:
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
I think there is something in that for all of us ... so I'll leave you with that thought.