Thursday, 16 January 2014

Visitor Alert: Aunty Sandy

I LURVE visitors!

Woof, and pant pant pant. Sorry about that unusual greeting - you might have heard the humans complaining about the heat lately, and to be totally honest I have been feeling it myself, puffing and panting a bit (I've learned to lie near the air conditioner vents - so that's nice) but I just don't understand why they don't want to hgo outside and play games or go for a nice long walk just because it's 44 degrees. What a bunch of whimps!

We had a visitor, we had a visitor! It was fabulous fun. Aunty Sandy came to stay overnight and I love-love-loved meeting her. I'm not sure that she loved me quite as much back, cos she says she generally doesn't like dogs that much, as you might be able to tell from the nervous way she gave me a cuddle (see the photo >>). But she did say I was cute (no surprise about that) and volunteer to have her photo taken with me, so I think I had an impact. It was a bit tiring having Aunty Sandy staying over though because:

  • she and the humans stayed up late chatting, and
  • because I had to go downstairs and check that she was OK about 200 times during the night - unfortunately Aunty Sandy had her bedroom door closed everytime I went down so I couldn't get in and give her a big kiss like I wanted to. 

What I learned from meeting Aunty Sandy is that I just love meeting new people, even if I do need to sleep the whole next days to get over the excitement. If I was a human I think I'd look for a job in PR, maybe for a beer company? If you're reading this could you come and visit me please - I need more people to play with ...

Now, I'm off to crunch up an ice-block in my dog cave (that is under the dining room table in the air conditioning) - life is tough!


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