Friday, 15 November 2013

New skill to add to my resume

Woof-oh - how are you?

I've had an interesting week - and learned that I'm an amazing furniture assembler! We visited Gran and Pa in Ballarat last weekend, and helped them assemble some new furniture (four bookcases) they had bought from Ikea. I took charge immediately - see me here reading the instructions.

I don't get to Ballarat very often, so I really had to go outside and checkout the yard - in detail - and gather information about flowers, possums, rocks, leaves etc. Really important dog business.

When I came back inside I found that Lloyd and Jude had finished the assembly of all 4 units - just lucky I explained all the details and what they should do before I went outside.

Then I felt that someone needed to supervise the moving of the bookcases into the room where they were to live permanently. I ran right in front of who ever was carrying the front of each cabinet (especially if they were walking backwards) so that I could tell them of anything in the way. Sometimes humans don't appreciate my help - they suggested that I was getting in the way and that I should take myself elsewhere. Very rude of them I thought!

Fortunately I do have a bit of good news though ... Rudi Reindeer is out of intensive care. Another successful operation conducted by Dr Jude.
Rudi was one of Uncle Ted's toy - a Christmas gift from Aunty De. Uncle Ted passed all his toys along to me when I joined the family, which was very kind of him. I think Uncle Ted must have been very gentle because his toys were in very good conditioned (they were bored I expect). Anyway, the toys have a much more exciting life now. 
Rudi lost his antler when he was on an adventure walk and he fell down a crevasse, his antler becoming trapped between rocks. I had to chew off the antler to save his life - otherwise I would never have done it.

That's all from me for today - I must go and start working on my Christmas list.
Woofs, Tobes

Thanks for all the toys and RIP Uncle Ted.

Teddy (2004 - 2012)

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