Woofs, and hello
Did you know that I have my own little tribe of followers? Well I do. Jude and Craig get them for me to play with ... I like to spend a lot of time with my tribe.

In the picture on the right you'll see me with two of my favourites -
Mr Banana Man (he has featured in several of my previous posts including '
It's a Mystery' and '
Puppy School' - regular readers will be pleased to see that he has recovered well after his encounter with the
racoon) and
Flat Cow (he's a new addition to the tribe, joining the family during our recent visit to the Victoria Markets). Flat Cow is almost the same colour as me, so you might have a little difficulty seeing him - here's a hint, I'm holding him in my mouth in the top photo. We play a lot - and the tribe really like me to wrestle with them, squeeze them hard (so that they squeak) and run as fast as I can up and down the passage with them in my mouth. I like to undo their rope hair / tails / legs, because I like to experiment with style.
Sometimes the tribe members need a rest. Craig says "
Give it a rest Toby!". Jude picks them up and puts them on the table because she says "...
if you keep that up those toys will be completely wrecked .." Sometimes humans just don't understand how to have fun!
On his second day in my tribe Flat Cow must have become disoriented and accidentally wandered down the stairs ... I'm sure he wasn't trying to run away from home. He'd certainly have no reason to. I found him here on the steps (see picture 3), and I picked him up and took him back upstairs.
This morning I was sitting beside Jude at the dining table when she was reading the newspaper (how boring) and I was squeaking Flat Cow, repeatedly. Jude decided that I must have too much energy, so she took me outside to the common and threw my new red kong down the hill. I ran after it at the speed of light and brought it back to her (smart huh?). We kept playing that game for about 15 minutes - until I was so tired that I was walking back up the hill with the kong. I'll have to reflect on what this all means, and how I can use this to my advantage. ... zzz .... so sleepy now ... zzz.
I'll get back to you later. Tobes ....