Friday, 22 November 2013


Oh my goodness! Watch out! Dangerous teapot alert.

Jude bought a fancy new teapot. I think it is haunted, so I'm keeping a careful eye on it. I bark at it sometimes too - just so it knows who is boss.

You look at the teapot and see what you think.

Toby (eeeks!)

Late breaking news ... I'm in big trouble with Jude. She caught me chewing her shoe (so I can't blame the racoon - not that I ever would)! If you look at the picture you'll see a big chunk chewed out of the inner sole.  I couldn't help it - those shoes smelled soooo good - and no-one was paying me any attention. Jude had left them in my dog cave (aka under the dining room table) so what else could she expect?

Friday, 15 November 2013

New skill to add to my resume

Woof-oh - how are you?

I've had an interesting week - and learned that I'm an amazing furniture assembler! We visited Gran and Pa in Ballarat last weekend, and helped them assemble some new furniture (four bookcases) they had bought from Ikea. I took charge immediately - see me here reading the instructions.

I don't get to Ballarat very often, so I really had to go outside and checkout the yard - in detail - and gather information about flowers, possums, rocks, leaves etc. Really important dog business.

When I came back inside I found that Lloyd and Jude had finished the assembly of all 4 units - just lucky I explained all the details and what they should do before I went outside.

Then I felt that someone needed to supervise the moving of the bookcases into the room where they were to live permanently. I ran right in front of who ever was carrying the front of each cabinet (especially if they were walking backwards) so that I could tell them of anything in the way. Sometimes humans don't appreciate my help - they suggested that I was getting in the way and that I should take myself elsewhere. Very rude of them I thought!

Fortunately I do have a bit of good news though ... Rudi Reindeer is out of intensive care. Another successful operation conducted by Dr Jude.
Rudi was one of Uncle Ted's toy - a Christmas gift from Aunty De. Uncle Ted passed all his toys along to me when I joined the family, which was very kind of him. I think Uncle Ted must have been very gentle because his toys were in very good conditioned (they were bored I expect). Anyway, the toys have a much more exciting life now. 
Rudi lost his antler when he was on an adventure walk and he fell down a crevasse, his antler becoming trapped between rocks. I had to chew off the antler to save his life - otherwise I would never have done it.

That's all from me for today - I must go and start working on my Christmas list.
Woofs, Tobes

Thanks for all the toys and RIP Uncle Ted.

Teddy (2004 - 2012)

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Crazy moment

Woofs - having a crazy moment, running around the house really fast. Can't stop now to chat - sorry. T

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Daily adventures

Planning today's adventure.
Woof-oh and greetings!

Every day I go out for an adventure. I take a human with me each time - Craig (on week days) or Jude (on weekends) - I feel sorry for them not getting out and getting their noses to the ground much because surely that's life's greatest joy? I get the humans to  put a head-collar and lead onto me and I tell them to hold onto the other end, so that they don't get distracted and wander off and get lost. I always make sure to get them home safe and sound. Here I am planning where we'll go this morning.

We live in the country, so when I take my human for an adventure anything could happen. We could
Look at this excellent stick I found

  • see a mother duck and her ducklings out for a walk (yes, SERIOUSLY - although I haven't seen any evidence of them going over the hills and far away),
  • find a new wombat burrow in the dam wall - the humans are too big to get into these and they are a bit sooky about walking though the dense bush to inspect closely, so disappointingly I don't really get to explore the tunnels like I want to,
  • see a herd of kangaroos - I'd like to chase them, but again, the humans can't run that fast so I don't,
  • find a fascinating piece of wood or a golf ball, or
  • Found a fascinating scent
  • find an amazing scent that really should be followed.
Today all of the above happened. Jude was with me and kindly agreed to capture a few photos for the blog while she walked. This is almost as tricky as walking and chewing gum at the same time apparently, based on the wonky look of the photos. Honestly, it's hard to get good humans these days!. 
What now? Another photo? Come on ...

My tribe

Woofs, and hello

Did you know that I have my own little tribe of followers? Well I do. Jude and Craig get them for me to play with ... I like to spend a lot of time with my tribe.

In the picture on the right you'll see me with two of my favourites - Mr Banana Man (he has featured in several of my previous posts including 'It's a Mystery' and 'Puppy School' - regular readers will be pleased to see that he has recovered well after his encounter with the racoon) and Flat Cow (he's a new addition to the tribe, joining the family during our recent visit to the Victoria Markets). Flat Cow is almost the same colour as me, so you might have a little difficulty seeing him - here's a hint, I'm holding him in my mouth in the top photo.  We play a lot - and the tribe really like me to wrestle with them, squeeze them hard (so that they squeak) and run as fast as I can up and down the passage with them in my mouth. I like to undo their rope hair / tails / legs, because I like to experiment with style.

Sometimes the tribe members need a rest. Craig says "Give it a rest Toby!". Jude picks them up and puts them on the table because she says "...if you keep that up those toys will be completely wrecked .." Sometimes humans just don't understand how to have fun!

On his second day in my tribe Flat Cow must have become disoriented and accidentally wandered down the stairs ... I'm sure he wasn't trying to run away from home. He'd certainly have no reason to.  I found him here on the steps (see picture 3), and I picked him up and took him back upstairs.

This morning I was sitting beside Jude at the dining table when she was reading the newspaper (how boring) and I was squeaking Flat Cow, repeatedly. Jude decided that I must have too much energy, so she took me outside to the common and threw my new red kong down the hill. I ran after it at the speed of light and brought it back to her (smart huh?). We kept playing that game for about 15 minutes - until I was so tired that I was walking back up the hill with the kong. I'll have to reflect on what this all means, and how I can use this to my advantage. ... zzz .... so sleepy now ... zzz.
I'll get back to you later. Tobes ....