I thought of a great new game today. I snuck into the toilet this morning when Craig was reading the newspapers and grabbed the end of the toilet paper: it had been hanging down in that provocative way that toilet paper tends to for too long! I clamped the end of the roll between my teeth and took off as fast as I could. Craig didn't notice at first, so when I got to the front door I stopped and barked, so he could share in with my exciting new game. Craig got it into the game right away - he's very clever and knew how to play immediately - he chased me.
The toilet paper was strong and it didn't break. It's amazing how long a toilet paper roll is - after I had done a few laps around the living room and back to the front door it ran out but it was much longer than I anticipated. Eventually I was trapped under the dining table, with no means of escape. Tunrs out Craig wasn't that happy about having to pick up all the toilet paper!
Oh well, back to the drawing board for another new game tomorrow.
He he he. |
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