It has been a big week for me this week. I suddenly noticed that when I do my business outside I get a treat! Now I think I may have mentioned before that I'm virtually starving, so topping up on treats is a great idea. I'm learning to do a funny little run when I need to go out - most of the time the humans notice and hurry to take me outside ... I do my bit then I get a treat. I think I am so clever. The humans think so too ...
I've been feeling a lot more confident in my new home this week. I've instituted 'crazy critter' time - that's when I run around like crazy and make trouble for about 20 minutes just before it gets dark each night. Last night during crazy time I bit Jude on the thumb - it hurt so much that she nearly cried. She says it still hurts today, and the discomfort is making her type slowly - what a whinger huh! Today during crazy critter time I taught myself to go under the couch, and crawl like a commando from one end to the other, really fast. As there is only about 2 centimentres between the bottom of the couch and my back, the humans were getting very nervous about me getting stuck - but I came through fast - I have no fear. When I crawled through the second time I tried to bite Jude's foot from under the couch - like a tiger - but she saw me coming and got away.
Well, I have no fear except when it comes to going in the car - then I'm a bit frightened. Today the humans strapped my into a big dog harness thing and plugged one end of it into the seat-belt receptacle on the back seat. I sat up on my special dog blanket (it used to belong to Uncle Teddy) and I looked really cute and cool, but when Craig started driving I realised that I really needed to sit on Jude's lap. Only because the road was bumpy you understand. Anyway, I've decided that I don't really like the harness thing.

This week I weighed 5.4 kilograms - that means I put on 1 kg again this week. Quite an achievement huh! I won't be able to fit under the couches for much longer at this rate.
Well I'd better go - I have to try to bludge some more food.
Woofs! Toby
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