Saturday, 28 November 2015

Harbour-side visit

I had a fabulous day visiting Sally yesterday. Depite having to be in the car for a looooong time and having to listen to Jude cursig the traffic, and being LATE (OMG! yes late), we eventually arrived. Sally was happy to see me, and we did lots of chasing around the back courtyard. 

After lunch the humas took us to the dog beach, which is a wonderful, fenced off section of beach where dogs rule. When Jude first took my collar off I didn't realise that I could do whatever I like, and run wherever I wanted. I soon got the hang of thigs though, and was trotting around, meeting and greeting people and running around exploring. There were lots of dog at the beach. Most were friendly, though a few were very big and scary looking. There was lots going on - bum-sniffing, games of chasey, digging in the sand and even dogs playing in the water. When we'd been there for a while I got brave and put my front feet in the water - it was fun. Next time I might go in further ... maybe. 

This is me with Mike.

This is Milly, Sally and me. You can see the Melbourne skyline in the background.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Sally - here I come ...

Grrrrreat news - I'm going to visit my girlfriend Sally tomorrow. I can't wait to see her again. I hope she feels the same way about me but Jude tells me this may not be the case - she says the fact that Sally spent most of the time last time we met trying to get away from me may be a clue. Huh - that can't be right can it?

The downside is that Sally lives a long way away from us. I'll have to go in the dreaded car! For hours! 

I wonder if this is the way to Sally's house?


Monday, 23 November 2015


You remember how I told you about my new toy, Quacky Duck? Yes well, her head fell off - I'm not sure how. Oh dear! 

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Sore paw

The last few weeks I've had a sore paw. I think one of my paws is allergic to grass or something, because it gets very itchy, then I can't seem to stop licking it. A few weeks back Craig & Jude took me to the vet, who said that because i have lots of bacteria in my mouth (that was a bit personal I thought!)  I've been infecting my own foot with my saliva. Anyway, the vet prescribed my some digusting pills that were shoved down my throat several times a day, much to my disgust. It helped for a while, but now my foot is sore again. 

Craig came up with the idea of using some special vet cream on my paw. It has some local anasthetic in it, which stops the itching (yay!). It also has some special medicine that helps the sore bits to heal up quickly. The humans have been putting it on my paw several times a day, and so far so very good. There might be a few ointment-y paw prints around the place but the humans say that is a small price to pay for me not to be constantly licking my paw. 

Hopefully I'll be all happy and healthy for the Christmas holiday.


Getting ready for Christmas!

Wooo Hoo! We've been getting ready for Christmas. I'm excited because we'll be going to Point Lonsdale to stay with Hamish (and some human relatives too). Craig and Jude have been shopping and have purchased my gift for the "shift and lift" game - phew. It's a really good gift - a bone-shaped tin of dog biscuits - and I hope that who ever ends up with it is good at sharing.

The other important preparation for Christmas is that I've had a beard trim. Gran says that my beard is long and straggly and drippy (I can tell from her expression that she's thinking it's disgusting). She says that if she was my owner, my beard would be kept very short, or perhaps shaved off completely. I say that I wouldn't look like an Airedale if my beard was missing - so Jude just gave me a light trim. She says I look much younger now that it's so beautifully shaped. What-evs ... I'm sure you'll see that I'm looking very fine now.


Tuesday, 17 November 2015


The humans got me some new biscuits- two packets. Yum! They unpacked them on the bench then went off to do something. I thought someone should check and make sure that they are the right flavour. 

Here I'm standing up on my back legs, paws on the bench checking them out. 

Next comes the taste test. 
Woof to that. 

Friday, 6 November 2015


Something strange was happening at our place last weekend. There was a strange witchy looking woman hanging around that looked a bit like Jude, especially the nose.

We also had a bunch of kids ringing our doorbell (waking me from my afternoon sleep) and asking for treats. Strangest of all was that Jude gave them treats from a bowl she'd prepared earlier...

I'm confused - these humans have strange habits! 


New friend

IYay! I got a new friend (toy) today. Jude got it for me because my old toy, Brendan, is all beat up. He's has so many operations (repair jobs) that there's no fabric remaining for necessary fixes. 

I love my new toy 'Whacky Duck' - it has a really loud squeaker. I think Jude might have forgotten how much I like squeaking my toys - he he he!