Friday, 23 January 2015

Down with clean freaks!

Grrr! I'm angry! Jude went berserk this morning and washed all my toys - she has completely ruined the finely tuned aromas I had been working on for months (and in some instances, years). It's a travesty!

I tried to rescue them from the clothes line but even standing on my tippy-toes I couldn't quite reach them. Humpfhh.

POST SCRIPT - all is forgiven. 
OK, I'm speaking to Jude again now. She took the toys off the line and gave them back to me. The problem is that now they smell all clean and fresh. I've got so much work to do now to get them back to my high standards! 


Thursday, 22 January 2015

So much to do ...


I'm just back from taking Jude (one of my humans) for a walk to the end of the street and back. If her clenched jaw is anything to go by she has had a tough couple of days at work this week, so I thought a stroll in the cool evening air would do her good. I convinced her to come and play/walk by dragging my big cushion half way down the hall, then running up and down the hall at full pace, jumping athletically over the pillow each time I passed. Jude was so impressed that she shut her laptop and came outside with me. I made her laugh by jumping around like a crazy critter all the way down the street. 

On the way back inside I showed her how well our new little plants are flowering. Thanks for propagating (whew, that's a big word for a dog isn't it - bet you didn't know I was so clever) them and giving them to us Gran and Pa. They are very pretty and the leaves taste quite nice too. 

Hope the weather is cooler soon - it's much harder to look cute when I'm overheated. 

Woofs. Toby

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Look who came to visit me


Look who came to see me (oh, and maybe the humans) on the weekend. My favourite kids, Nick and Cate!

The things I love the most about Cate and Nick are:

  1. they can run fast
  2. they throw my ball (or other selected toys) for me to retrieve 
  3. they love having fun
  4. they pick up my toys (to throw them) even when they are covered in my dribble
  5. they can run fast
  6. they feed me the food they don't want to eat (mostly when the adults aren't looking)
  7. they pat me
  8. they don't mind if I make a mess.
Too bad I don't get to see them more often! Now let me think about how I can change that ... 


Friday, 9 January 2015

Parting is such sweet sorrow

Oops. Caught saying goodbye to my new good friend, Rex. Stay well friend.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

What about me?

Wooffy greetings!

I have a bit of a gripe this week- because I feel I have been left out of many of the human's activities. Rex and Carin (old friends from Darwin) came to stay with us. They have been very friendly and have played with me a lot, but Jude and Craig have excluded me from a lot of their outings with Rex and Carin.

First they went to the Melbourne Zoo - and left me at home! I found this photo of them and it looks like they were having great fun. For the record I can make loud noises and guzzle food just as well as any lion. And I can do cute poses just as well as any elephant duo or koala. I wouldn't have taken up much room in the car either - so they really should have let me come too don't you think?

Today Rex, Carin and Jude went to see 'Paddington' at the movies - and guess who wasn't invited to that either? Even though there are some striking similarities between that bear and me! (We both have big black noses, deep brown eyes and lots of fur.) I might actually be cuter than Paddington - what do you think?

I really do like Rex and Carin - I hope they come and visit us again soon.

Me and Rex bonding
Me and Carin discussing world events

Friday, 2 January 2015

It's definitely summer

Woof-oh, puff puff pant. Toby reporting in from the Sahara Desert - no wait, it's actually just a very hot day in Hidden Valley. It has been so hot that I've been walking along sensibly and calmly (what the?) when I've been out with Jude and Craig over the past few days. I had forgotten how hot summer can be.


Yay! Visitors!

Woof-oh and happy new year. 

I hope you are having a fun festive season like me. We've just had Craig's sister Cathy and her husband Mark staying with us. I love Cathy and Mark because they 'get' me ... they know I like to play a lot of games, and they don't get sick of throwing balls for me to fetch for a really long time. They also forgive me when I'm getting a bit to sniffy (practicing for a possible future career as a Custom's dog). The only thing they aren't too keen about is my stinky farts - I try to hold them in but sometimes they sneak out when I am asleep. 

Cathy and Mark think I am handsome (so they are clearly very astute and good judges of dog flesh), and they are  especially impressed that I don't shed hair. In the image below you'll see me trying to communicate with Mark by mental telepathy. 

Me and Mark

This is Cathy and me. It might look like I am trying to escape from her but that's not the case at all - I really like Cathy, but I was a bit distracted by my favourite ball which was bouncing past at the time. 

Me and Cathy

Unfortunately Cathy and Mark only stayed for a few days. They invited me to visit them at their house in Redland Bay - but I think I'll need to hitch a lift with my humans, because that's a long way (1,726 kilometres to be exact) away from our home. 

Woofs, Toby