Tuesday, 30 December 2014

We've got visitors - from Queensland

Woof-oh and New Years Eve greetings. 

I'm home from the beach. While I really enjoyed the holiday it was quite tiring - I found it hard to fit in my usual 12 hours of sleep a day with so much happening there. I had to sleep for about 24 hours straight when I got home. All good now though. 

Yesterday Mark & Cathy Veal arrived. Cathy is Craig's sister. I love having visitors stay at our house - i get to practice being charming and talented and cute. Cathy thinks that dogs like me (Airedale Terriers) are good because we don't shed our hair. Plus of couse we are gorgeous! 

I took Cathy and Mark for a good long walk this morning and showed them the Valley. I was in my best behavior for the entire walk and only ate horse poo once! 

Friday, 26 December 2014

On holiday!

Woofs and hello. I'm on holidays at the beach this week - at Point Lonsdale. I'm having heaps of fun playing with Hamish and the human members of the family. We've been walking on the beach every day - I particularly like sniffing all the plants along the promenard. 

On Friday when I was out alking with Jude we found a little baby Ringtalied Possum on the bike path. We think thtat he had fallen out of his nest but we couldn't see his mother anywhere so we thought we should help him or he'd die. For the record, I didn't even think of trying to eat the little possum! Jude wrapped him in her scarf and carried him home - then later the humans dropped him off at Jirralinga - a hospital set up to care for injured wildlife. According to Jude he was very cute (they wouln't let me play with him so I can't say for sure) - we hope that he will be OK.

I hope you're having a safe and happy festive season too. 

Monday, 22 December 2014

I lurve Woof-mas!

As soon as Jude got home this afternoon I knew something good was about to happen. I made my usual thorough inspection of her carry-all bag, and immediately noticed a trace of 'new toy' smell. (Maybe I should sign up to be one of those Customs dogs? Is it illegal to bring toys into Australia?)

Jude got quite cross with me when I insisted on keeping my head in her bag and surveilling the parcel I suspected of containing a toy while she was trying to walk down the hallway, but it was worth being in trouble because inside the bag was a Christmas present from Aunty Parul.

I could hardly wait while Jude unwrapped the present. I was so excited that I ran into the kitchen - where I am not allowed ever under any circumstance. I was SUPER EXCITED to find that I am now the proud owner of a wonderful Christmas gingerbread man toy. 

Aunty Parul told Jude that the gingerbread man only had a quiet squeaker - well ha ha ha to that! I'm working on tuning it up right now, and it's sounds pretty loud to me. Thanks Aunty Parul. 

Merry woof-mas to everyone - Tobes.

Friday, 19 December 2014

Ready for Woof-mas!

Hello happy readers! 

Just thought I'd upload this latest photo of myself, taken with Jude's new iPhone6. I think I look particularly handsome - amazing what a good camera can achieve. 

Woof-oh, Tobes. 

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Ho ho ho - it's nearly Woof-mas

It has been quite a busy weekend. The human are getting ready for Christmas (which I think should be called 'Woofmas') ... this has involved:
> putting up coloured lights on the verandah (that took Jude an entire day - and she climbed up and down the ladder about 100 times)
> cooking shortbread - I fully support this activity because Jude gives me the ones that get a bit too brown (Craig used to get these but he shot himself in the foot by saying that they were too thin and tasteless, so now I get the bounty - he he he
> getting ready for a trip to Point Lonsdale.

So, with the getting ready for the beach the humans bought a queen-sized inflatable bed, Jude is a bit like that princess in the story about the princess and the pea - she says that she needs a supportive bed because her back got so banged about with falling off horses when she was younger. Falling off a horse sounds ike a pretty stupid thing to do to me. Anyway, they inflated the bed yesterday for a practise and I love it! It's just the right height for me to clamber onto and so big that I could bring all of my toys onto the bed and still have lots of room for me to sleep comfortably! I'm going to try and convice Jude and Craig to let me sleep on it when we come home from the beach. In the photo below you'll see me trying to express my requirements to Jude (who was testing the matress). 

Well I'd better get back to work - Craig has just given me a carrot to eat. He thinks that carrots keep my teeth clean.


Thursday, 11 December 2014

Haircut or massacre?

Woofety greetings!

I need your opinion - have I had an expensive haircut this week, or been caught in a massacre? You be the judge ... look at the photo below then compare it with the photo on my last post. 

Grr, Toby

Monday, 1 December 2014

My colorful garden

Woof oh - hello. Just reporting in from my very colourful front garden - regular readers will know of my strong commitment to gardening, and generally making the world a better place ... (what's that? I'm not a politician? OK then would you believe that I like messing about in the garden?). 

I've been working hard with Jude on planting and caring for some bright colourful flowers. I especially like helping with the watering - I bite the water as it comes out of the hose or watering can, to make sure that it doesn't batter the flowers around too much! I'm sort of a filter! I'd like to help with digging holes for new plants but Jude is quite discouraging ... not sure why.

In the first photo you'll see me looking at the yellowy-orange paper daisies - they make a strange crinkling sound when I bite them and they prickle my mouth so I'm keeping clear of these flowers. 

In the second photo I'm checking out some of my favourite purple blooms. I've found that they taste quite delicious so when the humans aren't looking I nip into the garden and nibble a flower or a few leaves. Delicious! 

The pink flowers are good too. In the picture below I'm trying to hypnotise the plant into growing quickly. I stop each day and give it a burl of my most concentrated thoughts - no luck so far but I'll keep trying.

We have visitors staying with us at the moment - I'll see if I can get a photo with them and feature it on my next post.

Now I must rush off and have a sleep.
Best wishes - Toby